Report BY David Rivas - Pharmacist and Nutrition Expert

Unlock the Power of Your Resilient Brain with Nutrition in Autism

If you're a mom struggling with your child's behavior, you are not alone. My son was diagnosed with severe autism with challenging symptoms. As a pharmacist, I tried medications but in my case, it did not work.

I learn about nutrition and by applying the information, my son made a dramatic improvement from his condition

The truth is, you don't need to be a nutritionist to provide a science-based delicious meal that can unlock your child's potential.

This simple 5-step approach transformed my son with severe autism to a calm child, excellent grades in school (honor-roll) and playing multiple sports...

....I have been guiding parents and physicians on how to enhance brain development and total wellness to someone with autism.

Inside my book, you'll discover:

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Discover the power to unlock brain function with science-based nutrition in autism no matter what your past experiences may be.

Activate the self-healing process in the brain, so you may reduce anxiety which means less stress for you and your family.

Boost brain function with foods and supplements so you may experience less aggression and behavioral outbursts which means having a peaceful home and better experiences in public places like restaurants.

Fine-tune nutrition for more alertness and energy support so your child may perform better in school and sports activities like basketball and soccer.

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100% Guaranteed!

If you're not in love with our product, we'll refund your entire order.

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No Risk Guarantee!

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"When they told me about David Rivas, I did not know that diet could help my daughter to improve. I trusted and today I have a happy girl who plays with her classmates, sleeps at night, looks me in the eye, and keeps getting better. The message I want to give to all parents of special children is to never give up."

Tiziana P. (Mother of Elizabetta)


"My son had a lot of aggression, anxiety, and behavior issues before starting the coaching program. We have seen noticeable improvements in aggression and outburst of emotions, and a major improvement in behaviors as a whole."

Natalie T. (Mother of teenager with ASD)


Peter McPhail
Real Estate Broker/Owner

"I have been so happy with my results that I have recommended David to family, friends and co-workers. I had a neurologist write me off, saying there was nothing that could be done. I thank God that I met David"

What Our Customers Say

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Nicole Walters

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The Laboratory Guide to Uncover Hidden Causes of Autism Every Parent Needs to Know

The Ultimate Laboratory Guide to Uncover Hidden Causes of Autism Every Parent Needs to Know.  These labs are essential to uncover the areas out of balance and can make a a major difference in the treatment of autism.  
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Resilient Brain System Digital Course

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